In my practice I work with adults and youth using both talk therapy and EMDR. Below are the areas of focus that I mainly work on with my clients.


Sometimes people get stuck in what trauma means or feeling that their trauma isn’t “big enough” compared to others. I view trauma as anything your system didn’t know how to handle and has now kept you stuck because of it. In addition sometimes someone has experienced very big or multiple traumatic events and feel that they can’t burden anyone or have shame around those events. My hope is to create a safe environment so that you don’t have to hold the weight of those events on your own. By working together I can help you become unstuck and let go of the negative emotions such as shame and guilt.


Grief and loss can show up in many different ways. I don’t feel there is one “proper way” of how to grieve the loss of someone. We can also get to a point in our life where we feel like we have lost ourself. This can be from loss of employment, loss of physical health, loss of identity and among others.


We are surrounded by relationships in our life including friends, family, work and romantic partners. Growing up we didn’t get a play book of how to navigate the challenges, how to be a good friend/partner, how to set up boundaries or how to have clear communication. For some of my clients they can get stuck in replaying how their parents/caregivers showed love to them and to others.


Some of my clients feel like they are walking around with a cloud over their head. It can feel like you are stuck in the storm and there is no way out. When that heaviness is there it can be hard to hold onto hope. My goal is to hold onto that hope for you and help guide you out of the storm.

Suicidal Ideation/Self Harm

Some of my clients have used self harm as a way to be able to “feel” something or to have a sense of “control”. In the moment this may give a sense of release, however, following that comes feelings of shame, guilt, further low mood.

When a client feels that have lost hope they can sometimes feel a desire to end their life. Often people feel that can’t be honest with those around them and hold this weight all on their own. I give space to honour those feelings without shame and be able to find healthy releases so it doesn’t feel like it is the only option.


I often hear clients say that they feel selfish when they put up boundaries or communicate their needs. Being assertive and having boundaries is a way of respecting ourselves. In addition it can also deepen our connections and help us let go of those that aren’t serving our wellness.

Personal Growth

It is never “too late” to make changes in our life. There is always room for growth and understanding when we are open to it.

I also have experience working with clients around sex and intimacy, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Feel free to get in touch to see if I could be the right fit for you. Contact me